This week has been pretty legit. Austin Ochs came and talked
to us. He is really cool guy. He told us a little bit about his past and
growing up what things were like and if I could say one thing about him is that
he does stuff. He will come up with an idea. Often a pretty big idea and act on
it. Why not right? I was inspired, what is stopping you. He had an idea to form
small groups at his school his softmore year and by the second semester 100 out
of the 105 kids in his cool signed up wanting to be in small groups. It was
amazing, he a softmore God used in a mighty way. Now he is a part owner of a
few companies, his primary company being one called seat king. They build
industrial seating, seems kinda boring and pretty basic to me, but the catch is
the employees are all in prison. The manufacturing building is in the prison
and they get to work for 8 to 15 dollars and hour, to send to their families or
buy various approved amenities for their cell. They have started a seminary through
that, and nine inmates are a part of it, they are studying and learning and
changing that prison. Everyone who comes in that prison is given an opportunity
to work and share in joy of Christ. Some are in for life sentences, but are
content in the place that God has them, have repented from old sin and are now
trying to help others. It is amazing some of the stories that come out of
there. Then He is also working on a project in Honduras for hydro electric
power. It is pretty cool. It was like an 8 million dollar project that will
provide energy for a village they sell the electricy back to the Honduran government
to provide energy there. His wife has now come up with an idea of praying
scripture over others and started a website that will email you a verse each
day as you go through different books of the Bible and you just insert the name
of the person you want to pray for an it will incorporate it into a prayer
based on the verses for that person. You can also go through it quicker on the
website looking at the verses and the prayers they have written from that. It
is really cool. Today is my little sisters 18th birthday so that is
crazy. She isnt allowed to be 18, but I knew she was gonna grow up on me at
some point. So that is exciting, we will get to be in college together next
year at pepperdine. Legit! So pumped. Tonight I went over to the Chanceys and
cooked some venison for them and brought Matt Lydia and Xenia, we had a great
time getting to know them better and sharing a little bit of our stories. We
also had our pancakes and praise deal, which was fun. The song the more I seek
you has just been really moving me lately. I cant get enough of it, but the
versions on youtube are just ehhh. Live worship with my Link Year family is
where it is at. Shout out to Sarah Emerson :D she probably doesn’t read my
blog, but that’s ok. Austin challenged us with something I am going to take
very seriously. Think of one thing you
would do for God’s kingdom, if you had unlimited resources. I challenge
anyone reading this to think about this as well. I don’t know what kind of
following I have, but I would love to hear what you would do. I believe that
God would provide me with the opportunity to gain whatever resources I need, so
sky is the limit, lets go, I just gotta come up with a need and a God size
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