This is a poem I wrote while I was in Fiji. We had a poetry night on our last night as a group before people headed back to the states and before my group went to New Zealand. Some people wrote funny ones, others serious and I like to think if mine as somewhere in between. I hope you all enjoy and I will post my other journal entries from the trip soon.
In Fiji there are frogs
They hop and hop on the logs
At first we all thought they were dumb
But they were just thinking yum yum
We went out for our first work day
It was so much fun might as well have been play
At work In the papayas, the fire pit or chicken coop
We knew for dinner auntie sala would have for us some nice warm soup
Russie showed us how to clear a field
He took that small knife he really could wield
After blisters and cuts and sunburns galore
Each night we remembered to thank our lord.
We want to Suva and to homes of hope.
I'm not gonna lie it was pretty dope
In Sydney to the zoo we went.
Seals, elephants and giraffes were present.
We returned to the farm, stories we shared
Opera house, zoo and hostels we faired
Jet skiing snorkeling and spear fishing.
To go back to those days I am already wishing
As we go home I will never forget
The lessons I have learned and the people I have met.
To Fiji I say moce moce
I hope that it is only sototaleh
Moce means goodbye in Fijian
Sototaleh means see you later
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