of the projects that Link Year assigned right at the beginning of the program
was the CCLP, which stands for the Christ Centered Life Plan. It was a project that
we spent several hours working on and thinking about. We wrote about how we
would want to be remembered when our life was over. How we would want specific individuals
or groups to remember us. The first was how we wanted God to look at our life.
The others were our choice of who we wanted to represent. Most of us chose to
write how we wanted our parents to remember us, our kids (when we have them) or
future spouse, co workers..ect. The purpose of this is to make a plan for how
we will be remembered that way. It is not something that will happen by
accident. So we made “accounts” which are the priorities that need to be in
place for us to achieve our goals. By making “deposits” in those accounts we
add value to each of them. For example some of my accounts were. God, Family,
Friends, Finances, Giving/Service. So I supported each priority with a Bible
verse and then put tangible steps to build value in those “accounts” by doing
this at the beginning of the program we can practice good habits or putting
these as true priorities.
Wang talked to us about taking time to really think about the direction of our
life. To go somewhere put away the cell phone and be alone with God and really
give yourself time to think about our priorities. The Bible verse he gave use
was Proverbs 16:9 “ The heart of a man plans his way, but The Lord establishes
his steps. While our plans will not always go as we planned them it is clear
that God asks us to make a plan. Don Ford talked to us about making plans and
he said “ Failing to plan is planning to fail.”
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